Onboard in less time with fewer questions!
Onboarding, training, integration...all buzzy HR words that mean the same thing to a solo entrepreneur- A LOT OF WORK.
Be real for a minute! When you are essentially running a small business on your own, the last thing you have time to do is become an HR specialist.
You've probably said these very words: It's too much work to teach someone else how to do something I can do better myself. This is a LIE we all tell ourselves when we are so covered up with stress that we can't see the solution to our problems could be as simple as a 5 minute screen recording session. I'm not even kidding.
So let me break down a simple plan to onboard your new hires and not feel overwhelmed while doing it!
Step 1: Write out all the tasks you want to train your new hire on. Literally brain dump them all into a document so you don't miss anything.
Step 2: Screen record yourself doing these tasks and share it with your new hire. It's simple and it works. They can watch it again and again. You don't have to be the repeat source of all knowledge. Problem solved.
Of course you need to connect with your new hire and make them feel welcome, BUT you can also be an efficient training wizard who doesn't spend 4 solid hours walking your new hire through task after task. Put those priorities on a list and record yourself doing them and thank me later.
Of course, there's a lot more to onboarding than this trick and you can read more about my top two best practices when bringing on a new hire HERE. Ready to go more in depth with your onboarding? Grab my New Hire Onboarding Checklist and make sure you don't miss a thing!
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